STEPN, a Web3 application, sells NFTs. What may not sound new at first is something special. The digital sneakers can indeed only be worn digitally. In this way, digital money can be collected. An app on the smartphone monitors the kilometres by GPS, which are then credited in the form of GMT, a cryptocurrency based on Solana. This is how money is supposed to be made through running. The only sticking point: a pair of sneakers costs just under 500 euros, and there are hardly any upper limits here either. Some users also complain about bugs that prevent the kilometres from being counted. So the project does not appear to be the revolution of NFT-based fitness. But perhaps it is a signpost to the future of Web3.
Skateboard NFT
Tony Hawk, a famous skateboarder, sells his tricks in the form of NFTs in his series “Last Trick”. These are 3D animations of the boards with which he rode the specified trick. The special: Who buys this NFT receives additionally the respective skateboard with signature home. The prices of the NFTs range from 50-20,000 US dollars.
Art on TVs, that could soon be possible. The electronics manufacturer Samsung is working in partnership with Nifty Gateaway, an NFT marketplace, to make it possible for people to display NFTs on their TVs and experience digital art in their own living rooms. The idea is that NFTs can be bought via the marketplace and then be seen as digital art on the TV. The concept works with the remote control and shows the art as the artist conceived it. When you buy an NFT, it not only goes into your wallet, but also onto your TV, and disappears from the marketplace.
A Vodka-NFT
Canya, a Hamburg-based vodka producer, is launching its first unique NFT. This NFT, which can be accessed via a QR code in each vodka bottle, is unique to each bottle and stored on the blockchain. It not only allows buyers to have an NFT in their wallet, but also brings exclusive benefits through membership of the Canya Club, making certain parties or free club visits possible. In this way, Canya links the digital with the real world and makes the NFT a coveted object, the number of which has been limited to twenty thousand.
FC Bayern Basketball NFT
After football and the NBA, player trading cards in form of NFTs are now also available in Euro-League Basketball for the first time. FC Bayern Basketball is the first club in this league to market its trading cards in this way. According to the FCBB, owners of a complete collection of cards will also receive bonuses in form of training sessions with players or other incentives. The enthusiasm for NFTs from sports clubs thus seems to be increasing significantly.
Starbucks in Metaverse?
Now Starbucks could join the metaverse as well. In addition to Heineken Silver beer, coffee could also soon be enjoyed digitally. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced that Starbucks could soon launch NFTs or even open a digital subsidiary. After luxury clothing and real estate, the food industry now seems to be moving into the metaverse.